A Cardinal Valentine

A Cardinal Valentine

I’ve always had mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day.

On the one hand, I always look forward to it. I’ve got to admit: I have a sentimental soul. I love romance. Candlelight. Flowers. I love the color red. And God knows we need red—lots of it—just about now in mid-winter. Especially those of us who live in Wisconsin, where we’re just warming up to above-zero temperatures—and it’s snowing again! In fact, I’ve always wondered if that’s why God made cardinals—because he knew that brilliant splash of red was just what we need about now.

But Valentine’s Day can also be hard, sad, or disappointing. A let-down after all that hype about buying your true love diamonds if you really love her. It can be a reminder of what’s missing. Especially if you’re a single mom. Or a “feeling single” mom. Or a mom whose husband is far away. Maybe because he’s traveling. Or deployed. Or emotionally distant.

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