Inside Out Parenting: A Mom's Mission is a biblically based curriculum designed to take a close look at what God's Word has to say about our mission as moms—and what that looks like for 21st-century moms. As we explore God's Word together, we will gain godly mom-confidence in a confused world, learn to create contagious Christian community amidst a chaotic culture, and grow in our ability to build Christlike character in our kids.


Curriculum Resources Available

The inside out parenting video curriculum is available on Vimeo.


Inside Out Parenting Member Book (Digital)

Provides listening outlines for each of the 16 sessions, discussion questions for small-group interaction, and weekly Reflections pages that contain key points and memorable quotes to post as a daily reminder of the week's lesson. The Reflections pages also offer an optional reading assignment from Scripture and a practical assignment for each week. Also included is a link to download audio devotionals that reinforce the content of each session.

This is a downloadable digital file in PDF format, intended for a single-user. You may download it to any digital device and/or you may print one copy.


Inside Out Parenting Audio Recordings
The recordings contain the audio portion of Linda Anderson's teaching. These are useful for catch-up sessions, visually impaired participants, or for the personal review of leaders or participants in Mom to Mom.


From the author:


Inside Out Parenting has a two-tiered meaning. I am convinced that parenting first shapes us at the heart and soul level; then it shapes our kids. More accurately, God transforms our hearts and shapes our souls as moms. As we are changed from the inside out, we are equipped to escort our children into God's changing room, where He can begin to penetrate their hearts and nurture their souls. It's an inside-out job. It's also a job in which what happens on the inside of our homes profoundly affects what happens on the outside. The values we hold, the relationships we build, the character we model—all of these influence how our children relate to the world outside our doors, who they become, what direction they head.

Ultimately, of course, this is God's work. But He has chosen us to be a part of His mission. That's why knowing our mission as moms—what it is and what it isn't—is so important. In Inside Out Parenting, we will take a look at what God's Word has to say about our mission as moms—and what that looks like for 21st-century moms. As we explore God's Word together, we will gain godly mom-confidence in a confused world, learn to create contagious Christian community amidst a chaotic culture, and grow in our ability to build Christlike character in our kids.

Confidence. Community. Character. All part of our mission as moms. All rooted in God's Word for our world. All possible only by His grace. All made easier—and more fun!—as we share our journey at Mom to Mom. What could be better than participating in God's plans and purposes as He changes us—and our kids—from the inside out!

May our loving God use Inside Out Parenting to equip you, energize you, encourage you—and transform you more and more "into his likeness with ever-increasing glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV).