Heart Talk . . . on what really matters.
The Heart Talk curriculum begins with the need to nurture who we are as women and wives (with special care and sensitivity to the needs of single moms in the group) then moves to what we do as parents to how we can grow as daughters of God, building firmer spiritual foundations for our families. It is designed to be "seeker friendly," progressing from universally held "felt needs" of moms to gradually deepening spiritual foundations.
Heart Talk is now available in Spanish!
Curriculum Resources Available
The Heart Talk video curriculum is available for rent or purchase on Vimeo.
Heart Talk Member Book (Digital)
Provides listening outlines for each of the 12 sessions, discussion questions for small-group interaction, and weekly Reflections pages that contain key points and memorable quotes to post as a daily reminder of the week's lesson. The Reflections pages also offer an optional reading assignment from Scripture and a practical assignment for each week. Also included is a link to download audio devotionals that reinforce the content of each session.
This is a downloadable digital file in PDF format, intended for a single-user. You may download it to any digital device and/or you may print one copy.
Heart Talk Audio Recordings
The recordings contain the audio portion of Linda Anderson's teaching. These are useful for catch-up sessions, visually impaired participants, or for the personal review of leaders or participants in Mom to Mom.
From the author:
The lessons in Heart Talk On What Really Matters are my way of extending a hand to you, sharing "heart talk" from one mom to another about what really matters.
Above all, my prayer is that the material in this book will provide for you what it has already given many other moms:
help in our parenting skills
hope in the powerful God who gave us these children and is our ultimate Power Source
heart-to-heart encouragement from one mom to another
Regardless of our other roles in life, being a mom is our one indispensable role: no one else can mother your children like you do! May God make us each a "joyful mother of children" (Psalm 113:9, KJV).