Real Mom Life is a biblically based curriculum taught by Linda Anderson and Theresa Nelson that encourages mothers in their every day mom jobs. The series also provides perspective on some more specific parenting situations, such as raising strong-willed children, dealing with infertility, and addressing learning challenges. We recognize that being a mom can be exhausting and sometimes frustrating. In these lessons, we talk about being a mom in the real world!
From the authors:
Curriculum Resources Available
An Introduction to "Real Mom Life," the all-new teaching curriculum from Mom to Mom Ministries, featuring Linda Anderson and introducing Theresa Nelson. Available to rent or buy on Vimeo.
Real Mom Life DVD Series
Four DVDs including an introduction and 16 sessions of Linda Anderson and Theresa Nelson teaching the curriculum series Real Mom Life.
To rent or buy the Real Mom Life video series on Vimeo, click here.
Real Mom Life Member Book (Digital)
Provides listening outlines for each of the 16 sessions, discussion questions for small-group interaction, and weekly Reflections pages that contain key points and memorable quotes to post as a daily reminder of the week's lesson. The Reflections pages also offer an optional reading assignment from Scripture and a practical assignment for each week. Also included is a link to download audio devotionals that reinforce the content of each session.
This is a downloadable digital file in PDF format, intended for a single-user. You may download it to any digital device and/or you may print one copy.
Real Mom Life Audio Recordings
The recordings contain the audio portion of Theresa Nelson and Linda Anderson’s teaching. These are useful for catch-up sessions, visually impaired participants, or for the personal review of leaders or participants in Mom to Mom.
Real Mom Life is an answer to prayer. For several years the Mom to Mom Ministries Board has wanted to produce a fourth year of Mom to Mom curriculum and has prayed for God's leading and provision for this. We have also been hearing from you, member moms and Titus 2 leaders, about topics you’d like to have addressed in the Mom to Mom curriculum.
We sensed God bringing us together to write and teach a new curriculum that included these topics. Now we have the joy of sharing it with you. Of course, we feel that all three of the previous Mom to Mom curriculum series have addressed the very real lives of moms. But in this series we offer you additional voices. Theresa teaches out of the challenges she has experienced in her own mom life. We are also delighted to present guest teachers Paul and Virginia Friesen, of Home Improvement Ministries, who bring their own experience and expertise on the challenges of social media; you'll hear from them in session 6. In addition, throughout the Real Mom Life video series, you’ll get to hear from other moms and a number of different people who work with kids—all of whom add their unique perspectives to the topics we cover.
We hope all of these additions bring a richness and depth to the very real challenges we all face as moms. And, as always at Mom to Mom, we hope that you will hear our hearts. What we want most is to equip you and encourage you on your journey as moms. We know how hard it is. We also know how important it is. And we know how rewarding it can be—long term, and occasionally, even right now where you are, in the trenches. Above all, we know that we do not parent alone. We have each other: moms learning and growing together. And, more importantly, we have our great God. He goes before, comes alongside, and loves our kids even more than we do!
In the end, parenting, like everything else in our lives, is all about grace. God’s grace. The grace God extends to us through Jesus Christ, and the grace He calls us to offer our children. We all need to learn what the Apostle Paul did, that “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)