
Take a look at our evening Mom to Mom group!

About 45 minutes prior to the moms' arrival, our leadership team meets for devotions and a time of prayer for our evening. This is a super time to connect with my leaders.  The first one walked in wearing flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, along with comfy slippers.  I thought she looked real comfortable and wished I were dressed more comfortably, too!  The second leader walked in—definitely in pajamas.  By now I'm getting suspicious :)  Then the first member mom arrived (very early) wearing flannel PJ's and her robe.  I finally asked what was up?!!

Turns out that our moms wanted me to know how comfortable they are at Mom to Mom.  This is our first year together. I'd been away at our bi-annual Mom to Mom Ministries Board meeting and missed the prior week, so they'd had an opportunity to plan the surprise.

Our moms love the teaching, the encouragement from their leaders, and the fellowship with other. We meet from 8 until 10 p.m.  It's late in the day, but our moms can feed, bathe, and some can even put their kids in bed before coming.  The dads are home, so babysitters aren't needed. It's the only time our community center is available in the neighborhood.   At the end of our evening, all of us are only 5 minutes from home!

Hoping your moms feel as "at home" at Mom to Mom as ours do!

—Tonya, in Texas