Step-by-Step Guide for Virtual Mom to Mom Meetings

Virtual Meeting Solutions for Mom to Mom


A Step-by-Step Guide for Virtual Mom to Mom Meetings


For the Mom to Mom Administrative Leader:

Note that the Mom to Mom Administrative Guide contains a wealth of information for starting and planning a Mom to Mom program, choosing Titus 2 leaders, and nurturing all the moms in your program. This step-by-step guide is meant to supplement that material when setting up a virtual Mom to Mom program.


Choose a curriculum

Mom to Mom offers four different curricula, each designed to teach, encourage, and energize moms for their oh-so-important and all encompassing role as mothers. Please visit our curriculum overview page to view the options.


Purchase Materials

For groups that want to meet remotely, Mom to Mom Ministries offers options for small Mom to Mom gatherings in homes or virtual gatherings online.

  • Purchase a copy of the relevant Mom to Mom Member Book for each mom from the Mom to Mom Store.

  • We recommend that each mom in your program rent or purchase the relevant Mom to Mom curriculum videos from the Mom to Mom Vimeo page. She will need her own (free) Vimeo account for this purpose.

  • Groups that have already purchased a Mom to Mom DVD set may apply for free access to view those video lessons online throughout the ministry year, from September 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024.


Form your small groups

There is very helpful guidance for forming small groups in the MTM Administrative Guide. For remote groups, it may help to take into consideration when each mom is able to meet most conveniently online and which video conferencing platform they are able to use—and then form small groups accordingly.


Distribute the video links

If your moms are responsible for renting or purchasing their own copies of the Mom to Mom videos on Vimeo: Be sure to send them a link to the Mom to Mom Vimeo landing page: We encourage you to send this link to your Titus 2 leaders. Each Titus 2 leader, in turn, can reach out to the moms in her group so that the member moms can watch each curriculum video on their own time, ideally before her scheduled small group meeting.

If you already own the relevant DVD and have applied for the free links: Once we send you, the Mom to Mom leader, the links for viewing the videos, we encourage you to forward our email with those links to your Titus 2 leaders. Each Titus 2 leader, in turn, may share the video links with the moms in her group so that the member moms can watch each curriculum video on their own time, ideally before her scheduled small group meeting.


Plan your program’s calendar for the year

Produce a basic calendar for your Mom to Mom year, taking into consideration that the free Mom to Mom curriculum video links are available through May 31, 2024. If your program will offer any supplementary sessions, be sure to include those in your calendar as well. (See pp. 35–38 of the Mom to Mom Administrative Guide for information on supplementary sessions.)

Once you have planned your meeting calendar for the year, distribute that to your Titus 2 leaders along with the list of moms assigned to their group this year.

For the Titus 2 Leaders:


Plan your group’s specific meeting schedule

In communication with the Mom to Mom Administrative Leader, each Titus 2 leader should set up a more specific online meeting schedule—selecting the specific day of the week and time of day that your group will meet together online. The days and times you choose should be what best fits the availability of the moms in your small group and takes into consideration the overall Mom to Mom calendar provided by your Administrative Leader.


Choose an online video conferencing service

For online meetings, either you (the Titus 2 leader) or one of your member moms can serve as the host of a conference call using communication tools such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, or others. Each small group should choose the platform of their choice.


Run an online meeting

Online meetings differ considerably from in-person meetings. It’s helpful to have an understanding ahead of time of some of those differences so that you can set everyone’s expectations (including your own!) and guide the moms in your group to making meaningful connections. Be sure to watch the short video above for some tips for facilitating an online meeting:

  1. “Zoom fatigue” is real. Keep meetings to 45-60 minutes long.

  2. Limit your agenda. Choose just a few discussion questions to go through to allow more time for connection.

  3. Dial down your expectations. Kids may be running around in the background. Moms may be late or need to leave early. Extend grace.

  4. Dial up the encouragement. Extend grace.

  5. Share with your moms a list of online Christian resources for kids that have been recommended by your church.

  6. Moms are craving community and connection. Thanks for partnering with Mom to Mom to offer that!

For additional directions and tips for setting up a virtual meeting, we refer you to these very helpful webpages on Boston’s Park Street Church website—or visit this webpage for assistance in joining a Zoom meeting. Questions? Visit our contact page.


Mom to Mom Curriculums





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