Welcome to the Mom to Mom Team Leader page! If you have arrived here, we trust you are a Team Leader for a Mom to Mom program with your own copy of the Mom to Mom Administrative Guide in hand. If you need to order a copy, please visit the Mom to Mom curriculums page for information on how to do that.
Below, we have listed a number of documents prepared for you to assist in the running of your Mom to Mom group. Some are available as PDF documents either to be used as is or to serve as examples. Others are available in a format we trust you can open and edit in whatever word processor you use. If there is a non-PDF file you wish to edit but are having difficulty opening, please contact us; quite possibly we can help.
Mom to Mom Prayer Team Letter (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Mom to Mom Testimonies (PDF)
Mom to Mom Logos
“Is Mom to Mom for Me?” (PDF)
Registration Forms
Online form to email out (PDF Form)
Sample printed form (PDF)
Simple registration form (Editable Word document)
“Am I a Mentor Mom?” (PDF)
Leadership Team Descriptions (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Titus 2 Leadership Covenant (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Guidelines for Setting Up a Quality Childcare Program (PDF)
Recommended Curriculums for Mom to Mom Childcare (PDF)
Mom to Mom Year at a Glance
Sample "Heart Talk" syllabus: full year, weekly program (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Sample "Heart Talk" syllabus: bi-weekly program (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Sample "Growing Together" syllabus (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Sample "Inside Out Parenting" syllabus (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Ideas for Guest Speaker Topics (PDF)
Leadership Launch Resources
Welcome Letter to Leaders (Editable Word document)
Sample Agenda (Editable Word document)
Sample Leadership Theme: "Building Believers" (Editable Word document)
Sample Newsletters:
“Mom News” (PDF)
“Leader Link” Sample 1 (PDF) and Sample 2 (PDF)
Link to Recommended Book Lists Link
Titus 2 Leaders Sign-up Sheet (for devotional/prayer times and snacks) (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Mom to Mom Workshop Opportunities (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
End-of-Year Evaluation Form (PDF) or (Editable Word document)
Titus 2 Leaders Evaluation Form (PDF) or (Editable Word document)