Baby Talk

I have a new picture on my refrigerator. It’s not—to tell the truth—the cutest or most colorful one there. But it is, in some ways, the most special—because it is our very first picture of our new grandchild-to-be!

Yes, I am going to be a Nana a third time! This is the one very important detail I left out when I was telling you in my last blog about our upcoming visit from our grandsons and their two mommies. There is also a third grandchild coming (in utero) and a third mommy—well, actually a mommy-to-be. Erika and Richie are going to have a baby in early November. How exciting is that!!!

Of course, we’ve known this for a while. But now that I have a picture of this new little one, I just can’t resist sharing the news with you. I have to admit this picture is not real detailed; it’s a very, very early unltrasound. But still, it is a miracle-in-progress. Just so amazing . . . the creation of a new little life.

What an awesome Creator-God we have!

There is something very special about having your daughter expecting a baby. Lots of you grammies out there (whatever name you may go by) know what I mean. But a baby to be born in Dublin . . . now that is an extra-special challenge. First, you all know that is just too far away from Wisconsin. But then there is the question of whether I will be able to understand this baby when he/she learns to talk. I already have enough difficulty understanding my son-in-law (sorry, Richie) even as charming as he is. But a baby speaking “Irish”? That will be an entirely new level of baby talk.

Sounds like a great adventure to me, all the way around. So, the “secret” is out! I just couldn’t wait another day to tell you. Especially since this new little life-in-process is arriving tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow! As Erika always used to say when she was counting down the days to vacation or a birthday party or Christmas, “only one more sleep!”

Which means I have to keep this short and get back to work on the homefront getting ready for tomorrow—and for a baby shower! Once Abby and Kelly get here next week, we’re giving Erika an early baby shower. It’s our only chance, trans-atlantic family that we are, to all be together (well, almost all—we’ll be powerfully missing “our men” Bjorn and Lars and Richie; Woody and Bengt and Soren will just have to uphold the male view of things).

So I’m off to the supermarket—and shower planning. I really love Baby Talk, don’t you?