Audio Recordings of the Mom to Mom Sessions

You may purchase audio recordings of any of the Mom to Mom teaching sessions for your personal use as instant downloads. These are useful for catch-up sessions, visually impaired participants, or for the personal review of leaders or participants in Mom to Mom. Recordings are available as individual sessions or may be purchased as a set (in two parts).

Please do not distribute or duplicate, as these recordings are copyrighted and unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

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Heart Talk

The Heart Talk curriculum begins with the need to nurture who we are as women and wives (with special care and sensitivity to the needs of single moms in the group) then moves to what we do as parents to how we can grow as daughters of God, building firmer spiritual foundations for our families.

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Growing Together

Growing Together: Growing a Child = Growing a Mom is a curriculum designed to equip, encourage, and energize moms in the most important job in all the world—raising children.  This biblically-based material grows out of the promise that as we "grow" our children, God is growing us.

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Inside Out Parenting

This curriculum looks at what God's Word has to say about our mission as 21st-century moms, and helps us gain godly mom-confidence in a confused world, learn to create contagious Christian community amidst a chaotic culture, and grow in our ability to build Christlike character in our kids.

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Real Mom Life

The Real Mom Life curriculum provides perspective on some specific parenting situations, such as raising strong-willed children, dealing with infertility, and addressing learning challenges. Being a mom can be exhausting and sometimes frustrating. In these lessons, we talk about being a mom in the real world!